Yes this is in Brazil. We went to a confederates festival and celebrated with the Brazilians their heritage of some confederate soldiers that came down here after the Civil War
This is just a picture that we took when we were driving down the road. How beautiful!
sn't that right? Biscuits next to the Confederate flag.
This is the only anaconda I want to come in contact with.
P.S. The sign that is behind me sayd no climbing on the snake. (HA! HA!)
Hi Kati, I like the pictures you have on your blog. I hope you are having a better day than earlier this week. I am praying for you everyday,you are very special to me, I miss you terribly, but I know you are there doing God's work. I enjoy reading your blog it helps keep us connected. Talk to you soon. Remember God loves you and is there for you. Love you, Grandmother.
Hey Kati, first of all, whats up with the confederate flag in Brazil?? Love the pictures, I'll be sure to get on here more often. Be strong and know we all love you dearly, you'll always be my little Kati Bug! LOL
hey girl love the pic way cute. hope yall are having fun and doing great. keep in touch.
luv ya lots
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