Friday, March 14, 2008

FIELD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!

Well I went on a field trip Wednesday with my class to Sao Paulo. Now their field trips are not like ones I was used to. We left the school at 7:30 and went to a Science Museum. We were there for a few hours and it was pretty cool and would have been cooler if I could have understood it but still it was cool. The museum had this planetarium thing that you walked into and they had stars and constellations lit up above us. After that they had this big spill about electromagnetic currents and how it can pass from one person to the other. We all held hands and one guy touched this electric charged wand thing to one person and it went through us all. That was pretty cool!

After the Science Museum, we went to have lunch;we went to McDonald's. It took us forever to get there because at first the bus driver went to the wrong one and then we found the one we were supposed to go to and the bus driver passed it so we had to go all the way back around to get to it and it took us like 15 minutes to do so. There are lots of one way streets in Brasil so it is no easy thing to get back to where you need to be.

Then we went to an Art museum. We were getting ready to go in and they would not let us in until 4:30 (it was about 3:15 then). So needless to say, we did not go there. We went back to the bus and went home. It was about 2 hours to get back home so we didn't get home until around 5:45.

That was my first field trip experience in Brasil and it was tiring. Ate Mais (see you later)

His Princess in Brasil,
Kati Cunningham

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2 Weeks In

Well Hello again,
It has been 2 weeks today that we got to Brasil and it has been tough. It is a lot different than just going on a mission trip for a week or so. You have to start learning the language and going to the grocery store and getting accustomed to the culture and food. It has been hard but all the Missionaries here have been so helpful and so encouraging and ou guys back at home praying for us. It just gives us hope that we will make it through this.

This Past week it has been hard because all of us have been sick. Sunday night my dad and Preston started throwing up and then about 11:00 that night I got sick and Pierce was sick that night too. The only ones in our family that were not sick were Peyton and my mom, but we are getting over it now and are getting better.

Preston and I have started school and Preston had a great time. He met so many friends and he is figuring out ways to comunicate with them even though he can't speak the language. So Preston is just doing wonderful. Now me on he other hand I am struggling. the first day I had to sit through a 2 HOUR science lecture and I had no clue what the teacher was talking about. So you kids who complain about going to school in the states yeah I wouldn't do that because at least you understand what your teacher is talking about. It is getting better though. I am picking up very few words but at least it is something. I even trasnslated a Portuguese phrase for my parents.

Well I will go but until next time. Ate Mais (see you later)

His Princess,
Kati Cunningham